Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Something new

I haven't written in awhile. I feel like I should start every entry with "dear diary". Hmmm. I might. I went to a wedding this weekend. It was a crazy, over the top Persian wedding. I don't think I've had more fun. There's just a feeling that you get at a wedding. That collective feeling of love and wishing well for the couple that is so bountiful that it washes over the guests making them all sappy. Yeah, I was sap happy. I was sap happy as I watched the Cirque du soleil performers. I was sap happy as I ate my filet mignon and danced to Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga. I wasn't so sap happy as I watched a guy my age put the moves on my drunken little sister. But back to me.
At a certain point in the evening I had to go back to my room (drunk little sister). And on the way back down the elevator stopped on the sixth floor. In walks one of the groomsmen- the one who gave the adorable speech and ended with "I love you" to the groom. Let's pause for a second. This groomsman was not the type of guy I normally go for. He was short (5'11") and slightly round (not athletic/muscular). But he was smiling and adorable. PS- I hadn't been drinking thanks to my sister's shenanigans. Needless to say, we ended up dancing the night away. And he was funny. He was sweet, funny and a perfect gentleman. Sadly, he lives in Irvine, 4 hours away. No numbers were exchanged, no future meetings were suggested. We just went our seperate ways at the end of the night. And I was left wondering what the hell had just happened!
I am constantly on guard against ALL men. I've been hurt too many times and don't dare risk getting burned at this point in my life. Maybe later, but not now. Was it the loved up wedding that had made me feel something for this guy? I don't know. All I know is that I wanted more! So I did what any sensible girl would do. I facebooked him. I was slightly disappointed to see that his profile was set to private, but that didn't stop me. I found his friend, who's a friend of my brother and found some pictures of him. Pictures of him drinking, pictures of him being silly and lots of pictures of him with girls. Blech! So sad when a crush crushes you.
So maybe we weren't supposed to be. But it definitely got the ball rolling (in my head, at least). Maybe I'm ready to start dating. Maybe ALL guys aren't out to hurt me. Maybe I should just smile and dance once in awhile. Who knows.

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